Find your holiday destination...

... and book directly with the owner.

Holiday rentals to discover

Stay in the mountains 

Les Terrasses de Tresserve

Montée de la Reine Victoria 11 • Tresserve


Gite de la Warche

Champagne 10 • Waimes

Dogs allowed 

Les Sources Coquelicots

Rue du Parc 2a • Ovifat

Pets not allowed 

Ol Borbotte - Le Clos Nestor

Rue de la Borbotte 44 • Xhoffraix (Malmedy)

Unusual stay / Luxury Villas 

Ma Jolie Maison (maison test)

Chemin de la Sapinière 12 • Ovifat

Pets not allowed 

Ol Borbotte - Les Sâbabèles

Rue de la Borbotte 42 • Xhoffraix (Malmedy)

Why choose Tripeo?

Are you a tenant ?

Are you looking for a holiday rental? Tripeo provides you with advertisements of properties for rent, directly with the owner.

Are you a homeowner ?

Do you want to make your investment profitable? Tripeo puts you in direct contact with the holidaymaker. Your rentals will be made without commission!

The best budget

Our rates including your presence on the portal, but also all the useful tools to manage your rentals are certainly one of our assets !

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